The future of the Buffalo Central Terminal as a lasting cultural and economic hub is propelled by our funding partners. Together we are making the Buffalo Central Terminal a new kind of connective force.
These critical partners are BIG champions of our beloved Terminal, truly changing the doubt of “this will never happen” to the firm belief that “this is already happening.”
East Side Avenues
The Buffalo Central Terminal is honored to be part of East Side Avenues, a unique public/private partnership that provides capital and organizational support to transformational projects in targeted areas along four East Side commercial corridors: Bailey, Fillmore, Jefferson and Michigan Avenues.
East Side Avenues funders are:
Bank of America Key Bank/First Niagara Foundation
Cannon Heyman & Weiss, LLP M&T Bank
Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo The Margaret L. Wendt Foundation
The Cravens Foundation Northwest Bank
Empire State Development Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation
Evans Bank The Weiss Family Foundation
Five Star Bank Western New York Foundation
The John R. Oishei Foundation
Regional Revitalization Partnership
The CTRC is extremely grateful to receive significant funding from the Regional Revitalization Partnership (RRP) announced by Governor Kathy Hochul in June of 2022. The RRP is a multi-year collaborative initiative to provide $300 million in public and philanthropic investments for catalytic projects in economically distressed neighborhoods in Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Rochester. The effort has garnered broad regional support, initially led by the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation and their pledge of $67 million of matching funds.
The Buffalo Central Terminal was allocated $61M in critical funding to advance our Master Plan and reestablish this living landmark as a regional destination for year-round events and activities both inside and out. Capital investments will focus on safety, stabilization, and readying the building for future reuse.
Help build the momentum
The Buffalo Central Terminal relies on the generous support of community partners to continue building momentum behind the revitalization of this living landmark.
If your organization or business is interested in contributing to the Buffalo Central Terminal or sponsoring one of our community events, please reach out to our Executive Director Monica Pellegrino-Faix at monica@buffalocentralterminal.org or 716-754-6142.