A generational investment. Game-changing investment from the East Side Avenues initiative in 2019 and the Regional Revitalization Partnership in 2021 has enabled us to build unprecedented momentum for reuse of the Buffalo Central Terminal.
Years of planning with the community have shaped a shared vision to transform Buffalo Central Terminal into a new kind of connective force. This year we have taken the monumental step forward to engage like-minded partners who put people first—architects, engineers, developers—to help realize a NEW future for this special landmark.
The Central Terminal Restoration Corp., in partnership with the City of Buffalo, has selected CB Emmanuel Realty LLC, The Alexander Company, and Rise Community Capital as the preferred development partners to advance the reuse of the historic Buffalo Central Terminal campus.
This is a BIG step toward realizing the community-driven vision for the living landmark. Together we will bring to life a new future for the Central Terminal as a vibrant mixed-use campus that fosters opportunity for all.
• Adaptive reuse of the Terminal buildings: 523,000 sq. ft.
• Preservation of interior and exterior historic features
• Urban infill development on adjacent 10+ acres
• Community-driven programming, uses, and activation
Additional activation and programming may be incorporated as project planning continues. However, building upon the community-driven Master Plan, the initial uses include:
• Activation of the Entry Plaza, historic Lawn, and Civic Commons with entertainment, events, and programming activities
• Food hall that could be linked to the nearby Broadway Market
• Culinary education space
• Mixed-income rental housing
• Light industrial and maker space
• Co-working and collaborative spaces
• Workforce development
• Childcare and childhood education services
• Neighborhood retail spaces
• A variety of community gardens and gardening educational space
• Mobility options and transportation linkages
• Attainable home ownership opportunities
About CB-Emmanuel Realty, LLC
CB-Emmanuel has been in existence for over eighteen years, building communities across New York State, including the five boroughs of New York City as well as Western New York. The organization has extensive experience in New Construction, adaptive re-use of historic structures, and in-place tenant rehabilitation. CB-Emmanuel has received numerous “Brick by Brick” awards for its adaptive reuse of historic structures across Western New York and has been honored by The Landmark Society of WNY for its work in Rochester, NY.
About The Alexander Company
The Alexander Company has over 40 years’ experience specializing in historic preservation, urban infill development, and affordable housing solutions. Based in Madison, Wisconsin, the award-winning, full-service real estate development and property management firm gives new life to historically significant buildings and downtown neighborhoods nationwide. Learn more at
About Rise Community Capital
Established in 2009 Rise Community Capital provides a strategic financial advisory and investment firm targeting community and economic development projects that substantially improve the lives of working-class families throughout the United States. Over the past five years the firm has financed over seventy projects resulting in over $1.3 billion dollars in new investment in community and economic developments.
Phase 2 Capital Improvements
The Central Terminal Restoration Corp. (CTRC) is taking important steps to advance reuse of the Buffalo Central Terminal following significant investment in this living landmark totaling $61 million. Phase 2 Capital Improvements will use a portion of the Regional Revitalization Partnership funding to address the highest priority safety and stabilization issues, reopen the Passenger Concourse for public access on a limited basis, and expand use of the Plaza and the Lawn. Work includes 1) major structural concerns and masonry conditions in the Main Terminal Building, Tower, and parking garage, including repair of the historic Guastavino vaulted ceiling in the Passenger Concourse and 2) roof and window repairs to stop water intrusion and related deterioration.
Phase 2 of construction is a $13-$16 million project that will start in April 2023 with a conditions assessment of the Main Terminal Building and Parking Garage. This will be followed by a design phase with construction documents to be issued in late 2023 and early 2024; bidding and construction will take place starting in 2024 and will continue through 2025.
This second major capital phase builds on the capital work completed in 2019-2022 which focused a $5 million investment from Empire State Development for repair and replacement of the former restaurant roof.
Goal. To address the highest priority safety and stabilization issues, reopen the Passenger Concourse for public access on a limited basis, and expand use of the Plaza and the historic Lawn.
Timeline. 2023 – 2025
Status. Underway
Cost. $13 – $16 Million
Funding. Regional Revitalization Partnership with funding from New York State, City of Buffalo, the Ralph C. Wilson Foundation, and other philanthropic partners.
Key Components:
– Design and construct a Lawn that advances the Civic Commons
– Create a welcoming green space for year-round public use, including recreational activities and for small and large events
– Create a space that is an amenity for future private uses and users at the site
– Design the space for ease of use for events, including dedicated spaces for stages, portable toilets, and food and merchandise vendors; and electrical access- along with nodes for small activities and gathering
– Support neighborhood access to open space for play, gathering, and recreation
Architecture & Engineering Team. After a competitive process that began in November 2022, Quinn Evans was selected to serve as the prime architect for the Phase 2 Capital Improvements. Quinn Evans, among the nation’s largest women-owned architecture and planning firms, has extensive experience in the renovation, restoration, and adaptive use of historic buildings, including our nation’s early twentieth-century, industrial train stations. The firm is currently working on the modernization of Detroit’s Michigan Central Station as well as Baltimore’s Penn Station and has completed numerous rehabilitation projects for Amtrak.
This project involves a multi-disciplinary team of consultants, including several local and MWBE firms, including Barbara A. Campagna/Architecture + Planning and Design Synergies Architecture. Additional team members are: Silman as structural engineer; Buro Happold as mechanical and electrical engineer; GHD as fire protection and life safety engineer; Tredo Engineers as civil and environmental engineer; Jablonski Building Conservation as building conservationist; and Dharam Consulting as cost estimator.
The CTRC is extremely grateful to receive significant funding from the Regional Revitalization Partnership (RRP) announced by Governor Kathy Hochul in June of 2022. The RRP is a multi-year collaborative initiative to provide $300 million in public and philanthropic investments for catalytic projects in economically distressed neighborhoods in Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Rochester. The effort has garnered broad regional support, initially led by the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation and their pledge of $67 million of matching funds.
The Buffalo Central Terminal was allocated $61M in critical funding to advance our Master Plan and reestablish this living landmark as a regional destination for year-round events and activities both inside and out. Capital investments will focus on safety, stabilization, and readying the building for future reuse.
Phase 2 Preservation Work
Historic Structures & Cultural Landscape Report.
A Historic Structures Report and Cultural Landscape Report will take place this year and the final report will be completed in October 2023. A Historic Structure Report and Cultural Landscape Report are important preservation and rehabilitation tools to guide decision-making about how to respectfully utilize and or modify historic preservation features. This work is also a foundation to obtain state and federal historic tax credits.
Goal. To develop a Historic Structures Report and a Cultural Landscape Report to guide decision-making in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
Timeline. 2023
Status. Underway
Cost. Included in Phase 2
Funding. Regional Revitalization Partnership with funding from New York State, City of Buffalo, the Ralph C. Wilson Foundation, and other philanthropic partners.
Key Components:
– Historic Structures Report
– Cultural Landscape Report
Barbara A. Campagna/Architecture + Planning, PLLC, a nationally known local preservation architect with a team of nearly all MWBE firms has been engaged to undertake this work. Additional team members are: Design Synergies Architecture for architectural documentation; Elizabeth Kennedy Landscape Architecture as landscape architect; Robinson & Associates, Inc. as landscape historian; SmithGroup as preservation peer advisor; Silman as structural engineer; Altieri Wieber Sebor, LLC as mechanical, electrical, plumbing engineer; Jablonski Building Conservation as building conservationist; Nancy J. Parisi as project photographer; and Get Fresh Industries, Inc. as graphic designer and report layout.
Phase 1 Capital Improvements
Phase 1 Capital Improvements were completed in 2022. This $5.6 million project addressed the severely deteriorated former restaurant roof which was made worse during a 2019 windstorm, that blew off part of the roof, resulting in severe and relentless water infiltration and damage. Additional companion work included a Schematic Design assessment of the entire Main Terminal Building 1st floor, new roof drains, repair of a collapsed sewer line for drainage, asbestos abatement, masonry repairs, and repair of a portion of the barrel roof. The former restaurant area is now clean and dry, and ready for the next phase of construction.
Goal. To provide a tempered event space in the former restaurant area
Timeline. 2019 – 2022
Status. Completed
Cost. $5.6 Million
Funding. New York State – $5 million. National Grid Foundation – $300,000. NYS Environmental Protection Fund – $300,000