CTRC | June 01, 2023

Buffalo Central Terminal Announces 2023 Summer Event Calendar for the Great Lawn

BUFFALO, NY— Classic events like Shakespeare in the Park Back to School Giveaway, and the Beau Fleuve Music & Arts Celebration will be joined by new concepts including a three (3) part Central Terminal Summer Concert Series, Family Movie Night, and Health is Wealth. 

CTRC | May 26, 2023

Buffalo Central Terminal Announces 2023 Calendar of Events on the Great Lawn

BUFFALO, NY— The Buffalo Central Terminal is proud to announce a full calendar of community events and activities, both new and long-standing, to be held on the Great Lawn from July through December.

The Buffalo News | April 24, 2023

Ontrack for rebirth

State funding, good planning ensure a real future for the Central Terminal

The Buffalo News | April 20, 2023

State’s $61M boost will get Central Terminal ready for redevelopment

Plans for upcoming construction at the Central Terminal have started, with a goal of reopening the former passenger concourse on a limited basis.